The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is a national organization that advocates on behalf of Indian bands across Canada. In 1998, a joint task force of the Assembly of First Nations and Canada recommended a model bill for a claims commission. In 2007, a new joint task force composed of officials from the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and Canada began working together on “a legislative proposal from the Government of Canada culminating in the introduction of” the Specific Claims Tribunal Act, which came into force on October 16, 2008. After an initial delay, the Specific Claims Tribunal officially opened on June 1, 2011 and began receiving applications for the resolution of specific claims.
The following documents were prepared by the Assembly of First Nations/Assemblée des Premières Nations. They are listed according to subject and date (in some instances, approximate) of publication.
Specific Claims – General
- Report of the Joint First Nations – Canada Task Force on Specific Claims Policy Reform [1998]
- Will the New Specific Claims Process Address the Faults of the Current Process? The Position of the Assembly of First Nations [September 2002]
- A Guide to the New Approach for Resolving Specific Claims [November 2007]
- Un guide sur la nouvelle méthode de règlement des revendications particulières [novembre 2007]
- Règlement des revendications territoriales – Rapport annuel 2006-2007: Principales questions et activités [2007]
- Resolution of Claims – Annual Report 2006-2007: Key Issues and Activities [2007]
- Justice Delayed: 5 Year Review of the Specific Claims Action Plan “Justice at Last” [2012]
Independent Claims Body
- Draft Speaking Points for the Independent Claims Body Legislation [after 1993]
- Update on ICB [March 2002]
- Le Chef national se prononce sur le dépôt du projet de loi sur l’organisme indépendant chargé des revendications [juin 2002]
- National Chief Responds to Tabling of Independent Claims Body Legislation [June 2002]
Bill C-6 / Loi C-6
- Analysis of Bill C-6: Executive Summary [November 2002]
- Bill C-6: Specific Claims Resolution Act: ICB Technical Overview [after 2002]
Resolutions / Résolutions
- Resolution No. 39 – Annual General Assembly, 2000, “Forgive Land Claims Loans”
- Résolution No. 39 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2000, “dispense de remboursement des prêts ayant trait aux revendications territoriales”
- Resolution No. 26 – Annual General Assembly, 2001, “The Establishment Of The First Nations Specific Claims Commission And Tribunal”
- Resolution No. 29(B) – Annual General Assembly, 2001, “Cumberland House Cree Nation Claim”
- Resolution No. 36 – Confederacy Of Nations, 2001, “Funding For Claims Research”
- Resolution No. 8 – Annual General Assembly, 2002, “Canada’s Specific Claims Body – Bill C-60”
- Resolution No. 8 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2002, “Organisme indépendant chargé des revendications – projet de loi C 60”
- Resolution No. 28 – Annual General Assembly, 2004, “Complaint to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights re: Specific Claims”
- Résolution No. 28 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2004, “Plainte à la Commission Interaméricaine des Droits de l’Homme au sujet des revendications particulières”
- Resolution No. 8 – Annual General Assembly, 2007, “Specific Claims”
- Résolution No. 8 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2007, “Revendications particulières”
- Resolution No. 23 – Annual General Assembly, 2007, “Canada’s New Specific Claims Legislation”
- Résolution No. 23 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2007, “Nouvelle loi canadienne sur les revendications particulières”
- Resolution No. 50 – Special Chiefs Assembly, 2007, “Specific Claims Tribunal Act”
- Résolution No. 50 – Assemblée extraordinaire des chefs, 2007, “Loi sur le tribunal des revendications particulières”
- Resolution No. 17 – Annual General Assembly, 2008, “Opposition to Uranium Exploration”
- Résolution No. 17 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2008, “Opposition à la recherche d’uranium”
- Resolution No. 22 – Annual General Assembly, 2008, “Crown Consultation, Accommodation and the Free, Prior and Informed Consent of First Nations”
- Résolution No. 22 – Assemblé Générale Annuelle, 2008, “Consultations de la Couronne, accommodements et consentement préalable, libre et éclairé des Premières Nations”
- Resolution No. 24 – Annual General Assembly, 2008, “Environment Canada Wastewater Effluent Regulations Consultation Process”
- Résolutions No. 24 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2008,”Règlements sur les effluents d’eaux usées: Processus de consultation d’Environnement Canada”
- Resolution No. 52 – Special Chiefs Assembly, 2008, “Government of Alberta’s Management and Allocation of Water”
- Resolution No. 82 – Special Chiefs Assembly, 2008, “Endorsement Of The Think Tank Principles For Large Specific Claims”
- Resolution No. 24 – Annual General Assembly, 2009, “Support for First Nations Impacted by CN/CP Rail”
- Résolution No. 24 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2009, “Soutien à l’egard des Premières Nations touchées par CN/CP Rail”
- Resolution No. 44 – Special Chiefs Assembly, 2009, “Duty to Consult and Accommodate”
- Résolution No. 44 – Assemblée Extraordinaire des Chefs, 2009, “Imposition de lois fédérales aux Premières Nations”
- Resolution No. 3 – Annual General Assembly, 2010, “Site C Hydroelectric Dam on the Peace River”
- Résolution No. 3 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2010, “Barrage hydroélectrique du Site C sur la rivière de la Paix”
- Resolution No. 9 – Annual General Assembly, 2010, “Improving the Additions to Reserves Policy”
- Résolution No. 9 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2010,”Améliorer la Politique sur les ajoutes aux réserves”
- Resolution No. 15 – Annual General Assembly, 2010, “Role of Judges and Appointments to the Specific Claims Tribunal”
- Résolution No. 15 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2010, “Role des duges et nominations au Tribunal des revendications particulières”
- Resolution No. 24 – Annual General Assembly, 2010, “Using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to Settle Outstanding Specific Claims”
- Résolution No. 24 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2010, “Utilisation du Mode alternatif de règlement des conflits (MARC) pour régler les revendications particulières en suspens”
- Resolution No. 59 – Special Chiefs Assembly, 2010, “Support for Nak’azdli First Nation concerns to be consulted and accommodated on Mt. Milligan Mine Project at Shus Nadloh”
- Resolution No. 84 – Special Chiefs Assembly, 2010, “Support for Lands Rights over $150 million”
- Resolution No. 17 – Annual General Assembly, 2011, “Specific Claims Tribunal Act Timelines”
- Résolution No. 17 – Assemblée Générale Annuelle, 2011, “Calendrier du Tribunal des revendications particulières”
- Resolution No. 26 – Additions to Reserve Policy and Process Reform
- Resolution No. 34 – Challenging Canada’s “Surrender” Requirement in Settlement Agreements
- Resolution No. 2 – Support for the Kitselas First Nation and for the Union of BC Indian Chiefs in their Joint Application to Interbene in the Judicial Review of the Kitselas Specific Claims Tribunal Decision
- Resolution No. 31 – Specific Claims Funding
- Resolution No.1 – Advancing First Nations Control of First Nations Education
- Resolution No. 2 – Timing of the Election for the Office of the National Chief
- Resolution No. 35 – Federal Act for Funding First Nations Education
- Resolution No. 1 – Support for the Full Implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action
- Resolution No. 43 – Implementation of Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action in Saskatchewan
- Resolution No. 1 – Support for First Nations Youth Life Promotion Calls to Action
- Resolution No. 70 – Inequitable Funding of On Reserve Women’s Shelters
- Backgrounder Report: The Evolution of the Specific Claims Process
- Timeline of Key National Events
- Specific Claims Questionnaire
- Specific Claims Dialogue: Summary Report
- Resolution No. 104 – Support for the Penticton Indian Band in its efforts to obtain Justice for its valid South Okanagan Commonage Specific Claims