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Established in 1991, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples produced in 1996 a 4000-page report containing 440 recommendations regarding the relationship between First Nations and the provincial and federal governments of Canada. Among these were recommendations on lands and resources, economic development, and governance.

Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) issued its final report in November 1996. The five-volume, 4,000-page report covered a vast range of issues; its 440 recommendations called for sweeping changes to the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people and governments in Canada. In response, Aboriginal communities and organizations pressed for action on the recommendations.

Library of Parliament

Volume 2, Part 2 Chapter 4: Lands and Resources

Section 1

1.  The Case for a New Deal

2.  A Story

3.  Lands and Resources: Background

3.1  Lessons from the Hearings

3.2  Significance of Lands and Resources to Aboriginal Peoples

4.  How Losses Occurred

4.1  The Law’s Initial Promise

4.2  Losing the Land

4.3  Failure of Alternative Economic Options (continued in Section 2, below)

Section 2

4.3  Failure of Alternative Economic Options (continued from Section 1, above)

4.4  The Impact of Crown Land Management Systems

4.5  Conclusion

5.  The Inadequacy of Federal Claims Processes

5.1  A Background of Aboriginal Protest

5.2  Three Existing Claims Policies

5.3  Specific Claims Initiatives: 1990-1995

5.4  The Institutional Interests of the Federal Government

5.5  Conclusion: The Need for Structural Change

6.  A New Deal for Aboriginal Nations

6.1  Redressing the Consequences of Territorial Dispossession

6.2  The Contemporary Law of Aboriginal Title as a Basis for Action

6.3  A New Approach to Lands and Resources

6.4  An Aboriginal Lands and Treaties Tribunal

6.5  The Need for Public Education

7.  Securing an Adequate Land and Resource Base for Aboriginal Nations

7.1  Interim Steps: Improving Access to Natural Resources (continued in Section 3, below)

Section 3

7.1  Interim Steps: Improving Access to Natural Resources (continued from Section 2, above)

7.2  Co-management

8.  Conclusions


Volume 2, Part 2 Chapter 6: Conclusion

Section 4

1.  An Act of National Intention

2.  Negotiating a Canada-Wide Framework

3.  Rebuilding Aboriginal Nations

4.  A Legislative Process for Treaties

5.  Redistributing Lands and Resources

6.  Meaningful Work and Sustainable Wealth

7.  Equipping for Self-Government

Appendix A: Summary of Recommendations in Volume 2, Parts One and Two

Section 5

Chapter 2 Treaties

Chapter 3 Governance

Chapter 4 Lands and Resources

Chapter 5 Economic Development